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  • Writer's pictureBogdana Postrygan

T-shirt for Ukrainian defender

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

In December 2022, we launched the "T-shirt for Ukrainian

defender" project.

The idea of this project is that everyone can leave words of thanks or a picture on a T-shirt, which we later send to military hospitals in Ukraine. We use special dyes and markers that do not wash out of the fabric, so our t-shirts can be washed.

With this t-shirt-postcard, we want to remind the defender that we remember, understand, appreciate and are infinitely grateful that he/she gives his/her health and risks life for us, our children and the future. Local residents also join the project, write messages in all languages, so that our defenders know that the whole world is with them.

Since the beginning of the project, we have painted and sent over 20 t-shirts, including one for women.

We are always happy and grateful for any support. In the form of a new white oversized t-shirt, your picture and words of thanks on one of the t-shirts, or you and your community can also join the project. Tag us to motivate us to keep going.

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